About Us
Stations / Trucks

We take pride in protecting the lives and property of our neighbors and visitors; as well as our forest wildlands and our roadways!

Department Meetings are held at Rockerville Station 1

Meeting Times: 

               2nd Thursday of every month:       7:00PM Fire Training

               3rd Wednesday of every month:   Medical Training -- Location TBD

               3rd Thursday of every month:       7:00 Business Meeting

Station 1:  13720 S. Hwy 16 Rapid City, SD 57702

Station 2: 23891 Coyote Flats Rd. Rapid City, SD 57702

Phone 605-399-3721    

In case of Emergency Dial 911

E-Mail:    rockervillevolun@qwestoffice.net

FIND US ON FACEBOOK:   https://www.facebook.com/Rockerville-Volunteer-Fire-Department-786990118013660/?fref=ts
